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Serving The Least, The Last, and The Lost.
Our Partnerships with Missions in the Bronx
“My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.” John 15:12

South Bronx Kids
Promised Land Covenant Church is proud to partner with South Bronx Kids, a free dance school that serves hundreds of kids a week in the most impoverished areas of the Bronx for over 40 years. SBK is directed by Tessie Moreno.

Brooklyn Teen Challenge
Promised Land Covenant Church supports the work of Brooklyn Teen Challenge, a Christian rehabilitation program. Above is a picture of Teen Challenge Alum Vincent Ward on a mission trip to Jamaica.

Angel Tree Ministry
Promised Land Covenant Church partners with Angel Tree Ministry, which serves incarcerated people and their children. In 2016, we gave our largest donation of presents serving over 200 children.

Bronx Connect
Promised Land Covenant Church has been a long-time supporter of Bronx Connect services, which provides resources for the most vulnerable youth in our city.

Bronx Academy of Promise
Promised Land Covenant Church Senior Pastor Rev. Dr. Michael Carrion is a founding board member of Bronx Academy of Promise Charter School, which has been one of the most successful charter schools in the Bronx.

Love On The Streets
PLCC’s Love on the Streets (LOTS) Homeless Ministry serves thousands of hot meals and bags of groceries through their monthly pantry. LOTS serves physical and spiritual needs like prayer, clothing, hygiene products, school supplies, and more.
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